#5652 - 4¢ Blueberries

Blueberries are a very popular fruit used in a wide variety of foods and beverages. Besides being flavorful and healthy for you, blueberries are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Most of the world’s blueberries are grown in North America and several blueberry species are native to the continent. These deciduous perennial shrubs range in size from less than 1 foot to more than 13 feet tall and produce sweet, edible fruits in colors from light blue to black when ripe.The popularity of blueberries has spread worldwide in recent years, especially in Europe and Australia. They are also now grown in South America, Africa, and parts of Asia. Though wild blueberries are still widely available and plentiful, the fruit was not cultivated before the 20th century. Scott 5652 4¢ Blueberries

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