#5655 - Three Flags - Coil, die cut 10¾, USPS by flagpole

The American flag has long represented the might and spirit of our nation. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson established June 14th as Flag Day. It was officially designated as Flag Day by an act of Congress in August 1949. Similar to the 50 flags that surround the Washington Monument, the three flags represented on the stamp are displayed as if on poles organized in a circular formation. The American flag is known by many names, including the Stars and Stripes, the Star-Spangled Banner, and Old Glory. It has seen many changes throughout the history of the United States as new states were welcomed into the union. The current flag has 13 alternating red and white stripes, symbolizing the original 13 colonies that declared independence from the United Kingdom and became the first states of the United States. Fifty white stars, one for each state in the union, are in a field of blue. Scott 5655 Three Flags coil, die cut 10 ¾, USPS by flagpole

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#5655 - Three Flags - Coil, die cut 10¾, USPS by flagpole
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