#5727S- Snowy Beauty - Set of 10

Gardens are places of beauty and serenity at any time of year and season. Even when the weather turns cold or snowy, gardens still lure us with their unique allure and delicacy. Bright, colorful flowers are still found in gardens even during the darkest, coldest months of the year. Some plants bloom all winter in milder climates, while others thrive elsewhere despite, or because of, the cold. Flowering plants, such as mums, might be covered by an early autumn snowfall, accentuating their fragile beauty and color. Some varieties of camellias and other shrubs bloom in fall and well into the winter. Other plants such as hellebores and snowdrops burst through the snow in late winter or early spring. Many flowers, such as crocuses and primroses, can even survive the chill of a surprise spring frost. This beautiful set of stamps features illustrations of ten plants: camellia, crocus, hellebore, winterberry, pansy, plum blossom, grape hyacinth, daffodil, ranunculus, and winter aconite. Scott 5727-36 Snowy Beauty

Starting at $26.00

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#5727S- Snowy Beauty - Set of 10
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